Zack Attack was more than a band Zack Morris dreamed up in his garage one day. A Zack Attack was what I used to get every Saturday morning when I watched Saved by the Bell.
My friends and I often discuss the TV shows we loved when we were growing up, and usually, the same few get mentioned. The Golden Girls. Murphy Brown. Empty Nest. We can never quite figure out why we loved sitcoms about senior citizens and news anchors when we were just kids (though I think a lot of Murphy’s appeal came from the running gag of her never keeping the same secretary for more than one episode), but one show that we often forget to mention – a show that actually dealt with someone close to our own age – is Blossom.
If you’re a Glee fan, you’re probably pretty excited about tonight’s season finale. (The New Directions are going to Nationals!) But before Mr. Shu came along, there was another musical TV show that people like me waited in anticipation for every week. That show was called Rags to Riches.
Not to go all Office Space on you, but I’m sure some of you are suffering from a case of the Mondays.
While there may not be an easy remedy, thinking back on simpler days of yore may brighten your mood just a bit. With that in mind, allow me to introduce a new segment I like to call… Flashback Fun!